Miner Configuration
This is the basic guide how to setup your miner to this pool.
Wallet Address
Rig Name
Mine with
Nvidia GPUsUsing
{miner name}Mine with
-a kawpow -o stratum+tcp://rvn.ixbase.info:3035 -u WalletAddress.rigName -p x --script-crash reboot.sh
-a kawpow -p rvn.ixbase.info:3035 -u WalletAddress.Rig --apihost --apiport 4444 --watchdogscript reboot.sh
-a kawpow -o stratum+tcp://rvn.ixbase.info:3035 -u WalletAddress.rigName --api
--algo kawpow --server rvn.ixbase.info --port 3035 --user WalletAddress.rigName --pass x --api 3333
Pool Configuration
This shows the current pool settings.